I have the directive of the Hon, Chief Judge of Lagos State, Hon, Justice Kazeem Olanrewaju Alogba, to inform Your Lordship that as from 1ªt April, 2024, the Remote Court/Virtual proceeding service shall attract a fees of ₦30,000.00 (Thirty Thousand Naira Only) per session.
- a) All applications for virtual hearing shall be made to the Court hearing the matter.
Upon approval, payment shall be made to Court.
Upon receipt of payment, the ACR Litigation – IKEJA OR LAGOS – as appropriate, shall schedule the case for hearing. - No other office or officer shall conduct or schedule cases for virtual proceedings in the High and Magistrate Courts of Lagos State either for parties to a case or Witnesses.
- The First Hightower Infotech Ltd. (FHTI) shall continue to provide internet access/service for the courts where they currently provide such service.
- Court Registrars are to ensure strict compliance with this circular.
- Please accord this circular the widest publicity it deserves.