Dear Douglas Ogbankwa, Esq.,
I am almost moved to tears over this critical decision and great sacrifice you’ve had to make at this particular time in history. Which according to your post is borne out of personal conviction and retrospection, am particularly sad because I, owe alot to you especially from the very time you tutored me at standard lectures, and growing up listening to your educational programs on EBS radio, and working very closely with your office as publicity secretary of our noble association over this one and a half year and recounting all the many wins and highlights of the C.B Ogiegbaen led administration.
I personally had desired that you continue in this race to foster institutional growth and continuity which lay credence to the axiomatic expression that you don’t change a winning team you consolidate and reinforce same.
But like some names from historical time you have had to give in and book a place in the pages of fond memories, you have decided to throw in the towel and focus on what is more important than expedient, what is more delicate than eye catching, you have decided to run away to fight another day.
For this and many more, I respect and congratulate you for placing the name of the lion Bar in the sands of time, and projecting our collective brand even to the admiration of the most stoical critic, for this I duff my hat.
I make bold to declare on my honour that I, Dennis osaretin remain one of your proud studenst and mentees, who have understudied and learnt from your good works for our association and have being soaked in the very rudimental principles and philosophy of projecting our most cherished brand. I am now ready to step into the big shoes you have created and walked in, to give my very best, be rest assured that I, will not be too proud to consult with you and draw from your well of experience for the ultimate good of our association, and, I will not compromise excellence in the alter of mediocrity and I would not double speak, nor bare unfounded tales to gain fame and fortune, be rest assured that I, will not chicken out nor purvey falsehood for self aggradizement. Be rest assured that you have in me a worthy student, a mentee and comrade all roled In one.
I join millions of your fans, supporters and admirers both within and out side the bar to wish you well and urge you to remain true to your self and remain committed to the service of the Bar, whether elected or appointed.
I congratulate you my teacher, friend and big brother. Viva Dougy! Viva Lion Bar!!
This short tribute is dedicated to Mr. Douglas Ogbankwa for his immerse contribution to image and rebranding of the lion bar.
Let’s keep the conversation of love, admiration and conviviality going.
Dennis Osaretin