May 1, 2024

Trial of OAU Professor on Sex for Marks: A Revd Thomas Perspective


A law which in itself destroys and gives no room for rebuild is defective and anti-human.

The above upon which I intend to premise my argument is from a moral alternative to punishment.

It is no more news that the Obafemi Awolowo University, OAU,  professor who asked his student for sex in other to give her marks has been in the news for series of reportage.

The mindset of an average Nigerian is very bad, we grew up to be interested with seeing great people fall and how they fall.
We were badly cultured by the intricacies of our environment to be fascinated by news of awful information and bizarre notice.

Painfully as it is we are not concerned about the trends of underlying factors to such news and worst, the alternative to such errors have never been interesting to us.

Good, a lecturer asked for sex, professionally bad, morally bad and socially bankrupt.

My perspective of argument is that, once an offender is punished for an offence, he should be forbidden to be punished again for the same offence afresh.

Before humane standards of civil norms, THE PRINCIPLE OF DOUBLE JEOPARDY forbids such.

The university has sacked Richard Akindele, that’s good. And now the government wants to drag him before the court again for what?

If his offence is scalable will it be as heavy as budget padding? Or if he were to be scanned for hoarding a criminal intent, will his scanned result be as alarming as the effect of non-payment of worker’s salary?

Why is the press so crazy about a moral error that appropriate punishment has been executed upon?

Any society or Nation whose laws does not give room for Reformation is distant from civility.

Only in a sane society will the executors of laws examine its implications before its application. If not, it will be a moral error to kill a fly with a sledge hammer.

Come to think of it, the accused has been dismissed, good.

It will correct him and serve as a blazing sword before similar potential offenders but to send him to jail will be too much a judgment and an abuse of judicial prowess.

Despite the misconduct, he can still be useful to the university community, education industry and the nation at large.

I contend with the public and cry out for the accused even if I stand alone, I still stand by him on moral ground that his punishment is enough, for if the judiciary dog of our statutes are eager to bark and bite, they should begin with the National Assembly and the big names  whose criminalities have large scale effect on the nation and destiny of millions of Nigerians.

Our laws and public norms must be critically civil with moral-laden.


Reverend Bunmi Thomas is the Founder and Chaplain-General of the Altarsfire Apostolate for Justice, Development and Peace, AAJPD, Ibadan, Oyo State.

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